[00:00:09] Speaker A: Welcome to the Naked Satanist. The show consists views from a left leaning libertarian and a US military veteran.
Reverend Jeff Ivins may be a member of the Church of Satan, but his views are not representative of the Church of Satan or any other entity.
And welcome to the second episode of the Naked Satanist. This episode I want to go over nonconformity as it relates to Satanism as written by Dr. Lavey in the Devil's Notebook. Nonconformity is a Satan's greatest weapon.
But there's a caveat. In my book but with all weapons there are a few catches.
Non conformity is a frame of mind and a means to an end in some cases. I've tried to be a non conformist most of my life. After studying American literature in the 11th grade in high school, the year after my introduction to Satanism.
It was a pivotal moment when the works of Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman and Dickerson opened my eyes to a new world, new view of the world.
I'll discuss more about them later in the episode.
Let's see what Dr. Lavey said about a true non conformist. And I quote, an individual must always live in his own world, not one created by others standards, unquote. So we must create our world as we see fit and be the other. Conformity can be enjoyable and comforting, but it's a trap. If you are comfortable with your world, you can be somewhat programmed by society. A true Satanist is not bound by being comfortable in the world, whether or not it appears to be being another means seeing things from a third side point of view.
Yes, you can be somewhat of a left or right wing leaning person, but still take a view from outside of your programming. By by the programming of either side we see the strings of society and who pulls them. If you allow others control you and your actions, you are not a good magician by imposing your will to get your desired effects. When someone asks you to do something against your self interest, Sharp no is a powerful word.
A lot of people are starved for attention. So they conform to what society, also known as as we call the herd.
As to how to get attention, we as animals must be social.
But why should we? Why should it be what society dictates it should be on our grounds, not the grounds on which go against our carnal nature.
Some important issues must be mentioned about being non conformist.
Usually you'll become a loner in life in some aspects of life. Personally, I try to live outside the worldview what a bisexual male and or a left leaning libertarian is supposed to be.
That generally means I am content with being alone most of my life.
I do not deal with other people too much due to the requirement of their social programming.
It is one way to fight against becoming programmed myself.
Another thing about being a non conformist. Turn off the damn TV and its programming of what is and what is not considered trendy or acceptable.
Most people are influenced by the TV making people and by the TV making people programmed by who actually are running the stations. We all know the TV has become the new God in the modern world.
From the news you watch to the advertisers on the brain dead shows the network puts on.
We as Satanists use our wit and charm to cause change.
And we'll get into that, get that a little bit later on.
Basically it's learning how to manipulate somebody to get what you want.
There's a little story of when I was in 11th grade that did it. But basically I cohort, I twisted somebody into actually supporting the candidate I was supporting.
So a little lesser magic goes a long way at times.
I knew how much to conform without being 100% a sheep.
Now there's another thing here in the Devil's notebook. On page 63 of the Devil's Notebook it's titled Non conformity. Satan is Satanism's greatest weapon and it says in the definition of magic is quote the change in situation or events in accordance with one's will. Which would you using normally accepted methods be unchangeable, Unquote. It would seem that any successful magical working is an art of non conformity.
The greater one's natural degree of non conformity, the greater one's magical powers.
One's will, particularly as it pertains to magical success is an important commodity. But strong willed will would, should not be confused confused with willfulness. Just about everyone nowadays is extremely willful zombie blustering along the wills not of their own. Grim determination abounds and it become it, but it becomes a second hand. Its motivation does not emanate from the creative region of the brain, only the response center.
So you take what Dr. Levy wrote and I think I summed it up nicely earlier when I said that, you know, you, you have to know how to separate yourself and do one's will.
Like I said, the me trying to get somebody to vote for my candidate and stuff like that. Lesser magic always works.
Now we're going to take a short break and then I'm going to get into something called transcendentalism which deals with a lot of, a lot of. If you extract the some of the religious aspects of it, out of it, like my favorite author did.
It becomes a very good tool.
So we'll be right back here on the naked Satanist.
[00:08:32] Speaker B: In 1966, Anton Lavey created the church of Satan, marking the beginning of the Age of fire and Year One Anno Satanus.
In 1969, he published the Satanic Bible, codifying Satanism as a religion, the first time it's been done in human history.
[00:08:52] Speaker A: In the name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, King of Hell, come forth from the pit. Bestow the blessings of Hell upon us, for we are your children and we invoke thee this night.
[00:09:08] Speaker B: In 2001, I was appointed High Priest of the Church of Satan. In 2007 I published the Satanic Scriptures, further defining and expanding on Satanic philosophy and greater magic ritual. Hail Satan full of Might.
[00:09:24] Speaker A: Hail Satan full of might. Our allegiance is with thee.
Cursed are they the God Adorers and cursed are the worshippers of the Nazarene Eunuch.
[00:09:44] Speaker B: For the past 50 years, the church of Satan has stood as the sole organization to define and defend Satanism as a religion. And though pretenders to the infernal throne have come and gone, we have stood the test of time and will into the future.
Visit churchofsatan.com for more information and read the Satanic Bible and the Satanic Scriptures.
Knowledge is the solution for ignorance Hail Satan.
The Neutral Wisdom Podcast is a podcast dedicated to passing on knowledge and experience from a Satanic perspective. Hosted by Satanist and Satanic warlock Robert Shirley. Join us as as we challenge conventional wisdom and offer refreshing insights for those seeking deeper understanding and self empowerment through a modern philosophy. Embrace your own authenticity and transformative potential. Join us wherever you get your podcasts and at NeutralWisdom CA for more information.
[00:11:03] Speaker A: Satan Spleen Satanic Talk with Church of Satan Magister Bill M. While it's not.
[00:11:09] Speaker B: Satan worship, it's Satanism. It's embracing the life enriching things which have traditionally been given the Devil's name. Pride, lust, earthly success, rational self interest, atheism, humor, non conformity science, a passion for living, being selective about whom we love. We don't see these as shameful sins, but empowering ideals and we also recognize the psychological power and fun of symbolism and aesthetics. So we utilize Satan as mythology's most fitting mascot for what we're about.
[00:11:39] Speaker A: Listen to Satan Splain. Learn
[email protected] and welcome back.
If you have any questions or comments or criticisms, you can get a Hold me. Send me an email at jeff@naked Satanist.com you can go to naked Satanist.com and see all you know, see that to hear this episode again or listen to the first episode. And you can get this on 16 different platforms. Spotify and places like that. Apple Music or Apple Podcasts and stuff like that. So now the reason I wanted to go over non conformity is because I turned around and like I said, when I was in the 11th grade, I studied American literature as most of us did.
And we turned around and we got into the authors Biden of like Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman and Dickerson. All of them were non conformists of their time, especially Thoreau.
He basically wrote a masterpiece for a non conformist.
And I'll make that piece downloadable when you go. If you go to the nakedsatanist.com website, I'll put a way of making it where you get it.
But let's get back into my little write up here.
There's a movement. There are movement leaders who have thought outside the box as nonconformists. Would some of them use nonconformity to better their world?
Two of these names stand out, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. We know they led protests against oppressive governments of their time. Gandhi led the revolt against the United Kingdom and Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement here in the United States for equal rights.
Why would I mention these two historical people?
Because they use nonconformity to make their statement. They did not use religion as a means to an end, but a plain, but plain non conformity.
Now Martin Luther King, yes he did preach from the pulpit, but his actions were of non conformity. When he was told he can't do something, he got a group of people and they did it anyway.
If you study where they found the courage and discipline. One of the authors I mentioned before had a major influence on them.
Henry David Thoreau is how there was a movement that followed that he followed that led him to writing an essay about it. This essay is what I deeply studied while I was in 11th grade.
The title of the essay, the Essay of Civil Disobedience, written in 1849, originally published as Resistance to Civil Government, it was written around the time of the Mexican American War. And if you not have read this literary work, I highly suggest you do. Gandhi and King both studied it and made it a profound influence in their actions.
Now, Thoreau had been jailed several times for refusing to pay a poll tax and taxes to support the Mexican American War.
And Emerson actually put him up for a little bit, him and his wife.
Thoreau Actually was a.
He got asked by a woman to marry him and he turned her down and he asked another woman to marry her and.
And she turned him down. So he basically was a bachelor his whole life.
Something that appears that I'm going to be here for the rest of my life.
One of the non conformist statements that I that stands out to me is and I quote I'm too high born to be propertied to be a secondary at control or useful serving man and instrument to any sovereign estate throughout the world, unquote.
And like I said, Thoreau is jailed different parts of his life.
This is what brings me to Transcendentalism as a philosophy. Most of what Thoreau did was non spiritual Transcendentalism.
It was closely related to Unitarianism but without the spirituality.
It was developed in the late 1820s and 1830s in New England region of the United States. The core believe his society and its institutions have corrupted the individual and people are best when they truly self reliant and independent.
Transcendentalists saw physical and spiritual phenomena as part of a dynamic process rather than a discrete entity.
Transcendentalists have a deep gratitude and appreciation for nature not only for the aesthetic purposes but also as a tool to observe and understand the structured inner workings of the natural world.
Emerson alludes to this concept in the introduction of an American scholar address quote that there is one man present to all particular men only partially or through one faculty and that you must take as the whole society to find the whole man, unquote.
There have been distinctions made between individuality and individualism within the Transcendentalistic movement.
Both advocate the unique capacity of the individual.
Yet individualism is decidedly anti government.
Whereas individuality sees all facets of societies necessary or at least acceptable for the development of the true individualistic person.
Whether the Transcendentalists believe in individualism or individuality remains to be determined.
So basically what that is saying.
Well if you put it bluntly, you can be partly and have individuality and be part individualism.
So you know, yeah, I can see why certain parts of society are there to protect you.
But if they make no sense, I. I'm not, not under obligation to follow that system.
Thoreau was quoted as I'm probably going to paraphrase this, but it's a government.
Transcendentalism is a method of where the government governs the least.
His former Transcendentalism or the one he followed was trans and Transcendentalism would be a government that doesn't govern at all.
So now I did a book report on it. And it made a strong statement within me reading the essay on civil disobedience.
So I'll make that available for download on the Naked Satanist website.
Now this is a college PDF that, that I've got that basically I read through and compared it to the books I've got and it's identical word for word.
A lot of people don't do that.
Now that brings me to a little bit of a group that we all just love to hate.
Kevin Sowling's group.
Now they claim to be Satanists with a capital S, but they're not.
And this is to me where transcendentalism and non conformity and everything else boils into why they are not our church. And our hierarchy does not dictate what we are to believe. They leave that to the individual.
So because we are an individualistic church or philosophy, if you want to call it that, we have an individualistic philosophy, the church makes no stance on any position.
Now I know Dr. Lavey made a comment about maybe abortion should be illegal and let's.
What was the term he used?
Basically a woman who gets pregnant more than twice without wanting the child should be, should be fixed, let's say to where she can't have any more children.
I say do the men let the men get fixed? Because a woman gets fixed, she can't reverse it. A man has a better chance of having a, having a vasectomy reversed than a woman having it having her tubes tied that way. Because it's not just the woman, it's the guys.
Also it takes two to tango. So that's just my third view. Third side view of that.
Back to the wannabes.
Their hierarchy says this is what we're gonna do.
And it's all left wing extremist garbage that they come out with.
If it's. They're the ones that are trying to be the anti church when it comes to Christianity.
We are just ourselves.
We reject the church, the Christian church and all the other white light religious views. We reject them but doesn't mean that we can't agree with some of their stuff.
Kevin Solings GROUP Like I said, when it comes to being themselves, being individuals, making their own mind up, don't get that chance.
And that's very anti in a lot of our books. I would believe most people listen to this podcast would agree with me on that statement. They are not satanic at all.
And basically everybody turns around and everybody in that group basically turns around and does what the hierarchy says or they get sued.
So and this is coming back to something that Dr. Lavey said in. Not in on page 64, this devil's notebook.
The second or the first full paragraph for the second pair where the first paragraph ends.
The second, the last sentence of the. That paragraph of the second paragraph. And this is what most of the Kevin Solings group misses.
The predictable antics of a hand heavy handed Satanist are quite profoundly exploited by non satanists. They don't see that. They don't understand that basically Kevin Solon's group is just like the Westboro Baptist Church but using, you know, using offensive stuff to piss people off. So they're not saying this.
All right, I'm gonna wrap up this show and hopefully you got something out of it. And like I said, if you want to shoot me a line, jeffaked Satanist.com and I will reply in kind if you get criticisms, comments or questions.
I know probably some of you have it like why are you doing this? We got all these other podcasts because I want to take it from a different point of view.
Like I said, I'm a bisexual male and I'm left leaning libertarian. I am not a free market person. I am not an authoritarian and I if you look, see my. One of my favorite movies, Fee for Vendetta. So go figure. All right, we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode. I will see you next time right here on the Naked Satanist. And I'm your host, Reverend Jeff Evans.
This episode of the Naked Satanist copyright by the Naked Satanist, Reverend Jeff Ivins, and is not authorized for any other use.